December 02, 2010

Christmas Countdown: Day 2

image courtesy of HuettenHilfe

This is always a busy time of year; it seems like we run from one place to the next, visiting, gathering, buying, racing, getting ready to sit, feast, and wallow in Christmas. For those of you expecting guests this season, I thought I'd throw out a quick appetizer that is easy to make and can be prepared ahead. I saw it a couple years ago on a cooking show and have been making it ever since. In German it's called "Fischlein im Aquarium" (little fish in the aquarium) and is basically a smoked trout-cream cheese dip. So simple and so yummy. You'll need:

1 pound (500 grams) of smoked trout (Forelle)
1 small tub (200-400 grams) of cream cheese (Frischkäse)
a handful of chives (Schnittlauch)

Note: The dip should be spreadable, but if you think it's too thick, feel free to add a little milk or heavy cream.

Put ingredients in a food processor or use a mixing rod (Stabmixer) until everything is blended well. Serve with baguette or toast. Holds in fridge for an overnight.

Guten Appetit!

Happy December 2!

1 comment:

Expat in Germany said...

Looks amazing and I love how quick it is to make it!