September 04, 2010

It looks like everyone is crazy busy these days; even the tooth fairy seems to have run into logistical problems and that says something. My sweet son understood when nothing happened the first night, but by the third night he was quite beside himself. Honestly, though, the tooth fairy is only human. She gets busy and, I hate to say it, is getting older. Imagine flitting all over the world having to remember everysinglesolitary child, the language he or she speaks, and the going rate for lost teeth in his or her respective country. Truly not an easy job, especially with all the time zones, jetlag, and climate changes. Tough as she is, she endures it all, writing sweet notes, doling out coins from her trust fund, and all the while wearing that little fairy dress. I know her dress is absolutely adorable, but I for one would go bonkers if I had to wear the same thing century after century and what about the draft?? We can't forget that! I am sure f to the t would l.o.v.e a nice pair of fur-lined boots, a down jacket, and some earmuffs to keep her cozy warm when she travels to countries like Iceland, Russia, and Germany, but for the love of children and their teeth, she wears the same lacy white ballerina dress come rain, shine, winter, summer, or fall. I mean a fairy dress versus elf clothing? Seriously, the boots and such, warm and functional as they are, would only weigh her fairy body down and then she would really have trouble making it through all the time zones, day in and day out, flying her little wings off without pay, coffee, or frequent flyer miles. Now that, dear readers is dedication with a capital "d". Tough cookie that tooth fairy. Yep. A real tough cookie. . .

In celebration of cutting someone a little bit of slack...

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